Collins Woodlot
Manchester, 85 miles from campus
200 acres
History: This land was given to the University of Maine at Augusta by Frances Collins in 1987. It is managed by the University Forests Office under agreement between the Augusta and Orono campuses.
General Description: The Collins woodlot is a mixed species forest comprised of white pine and upland hardwoods. It was extensively cut over prior to its donation to UMA. It is a good example of a forest which has been high graded. There is still a good stocking of trees throughout.
Current Uses: This woodlot has had annual timber harvesting on it over the last 15 years. It is managed to generate income for UMA.
Potential Uses: This is available for research uses by the College of Natural Resources, Forestry and Agriculture.
A map of the Collins Woodlot is unavailable at this time. Please contact the University Forest Office with any questions.