Huff Hill Property

Huff Hill Property

Hartland, 50 miles from campus
200 acres

History: This property was acquired by the University in 1962 from the Rupert H. Baxter heirs. It is the site of an old farmstead. Originally, the site was used by the Plant and Soil Science Department, but they stopped using it and turned over responsibility of the property to the Forest Management Department.

General Description: The property is located on a north-facing slope on Huff Hill. It is comprised of a mixture of overgrown fields, orchards, and woods. Access to the lot is via a gravel road which is gated and locked. There is a camp lot leased on the lot.

Current Uses: This lot is managed for multiple uses with primary emphasis on timber production. The American Chestnut Society maintains a plantation on the property.

Potential Uses: This property may be suitable for educational use or for research but is restricted by its distance from campus and the access to the property. It is somewhat hard to find and good directions need to be given to locate it. Any proposed uses will be considered on an individual basis.
