Anil Raj Kizha – Courses
Forest Measurement & Statistics (SFR 205; 3 Credits; Spring), Syllabus
This course in forest biometry introducing methods used to estimate the quantity and quality of forest products and the characteristics of forest trees, stands, and ecosystems. Emphasis is placed on forest measurements, sampling techniques, proper data handling, and preparing technical reports. Forest land measurement and techniques used to quantify growth are included. Field laboratories provide practice in measuring land, products, trees, and stands.
Forest Operations Winter Camp (SFR 213; 1 Credits; Winter/ Spring), Syllabus
This course is designed to provide an overview and analysis of variability in regional timberland management, including their diversity, uses, and values. Hands-on experiences in various management practices, techniques, and associated exercises involving field measurement, data gathering, analysis, and assessment.
Timber Harvesting (SFR 401/502; 4 Credits; Fall), Syllabus
Examine and analyze timber harvesting practices in the United States and Canada with special emphasis on Maine. Discussion of harvest methods and systems, production, and regulation. Because of the overlap, SFR 401 and SFR 502 cannot both be taken for degree credit.
Forest Landscape Management and Planning (SFR 477/577; 3 Credits; 2020)
This senior level/graduate course integrates biophysical and socioeconomic sciences for multiple use management to achieve desired products, services and conditions of forestlands. Application of modern analytical procedures for strategic, tactical and operational forest planning up to the landscape level.
Forest Roads (SFR 403; 2 Credits; 2019 onwards)
This graduate level course addresses technical issues related to low volume forest roads to be built in private and public forestlands. The course will cover the basic topics of road location, design, construction, and maintenance to support the development of an environmentally acceptable and economically efficient transportation system.
Senior Research-Independent Study (SFR 499; 1-4 credits; 2017 onwards)
This course is designed for senior students to conducting research on various forest operational topics, eventually enabling them to complete their capstone project as a part of their undergraduate program. Results of these research have been presented by the students in various National and International seminars and workshops.