It’s Not All Studying

Wood Science students at a cook-out after swimming and boating at Professor Goodell's "camp" on Sebec Lake - summer 2009.
Wood Science students at a cook-out after swimming and boating at Professor Goodell's "camp" on Sebec Lake - summer 2009.
Wood Science students and alums at the "Pumpkin-Carving" at Professor Goodell's home - Fall 2009.
Wood Science students and alums at the "Pumpkin-Carving" at Professor Goodell's home - Fall 2009. (From left - Wood science students and alums: Spencer Perry, Xinfeng Xie, Donna Johnson, Xin Chen, Ivonne Claustner, Dan Phillips)
Pumpkin Carving Wood Science students and alums:  From left - Evan Chatmas, Spencer Perry, Xinfeng Xie, Ivonne Claustner, Xin Chen
Pumpkin Carving Wood Science students and alums: From left - Evan Chatmas, Spencer Perry, Xinfeng Xie, Ivonne Claustner, Xin Chen
Some of the pumpkin carving results
Some of the pumpkin carving results
Some of the pumpkin carving results
Some of the pumpkin carving results
Some of the pumpkin carving results
Some of the pumpkin carving results