2010 Distinguished Alumna
Carol L. Redelsheimer graduated from the University of Maine with her B.S. in Forest Management, Summa Cum Laude, in May 1983. Immediately after graduating, Carol went to work for Great Northern Paper Company, where she held a number of positions involving computer mapping, GIS, environmental and regulatory permitting, and development and implementation of the West Branch Region Recreation Management Program. From 1990-98 she worked for Champion International Corporation as an operations forester across northern Maine where she was responsible for forest management planning, harvest operations, logging contract negotiations and administration, timber utilization, environmental notifications, road layout and engineering oversight, and the spruce/fir silviculture program.
From 1998 to 2006 Carol diversified her experience as a consulting forester working with family-owned forests, municipal woodlands, Baxter State Park Scientific Forest Management Area, the Downeast Lakes Land Trust, and helping develop the Maine Forest Service’s Be Woods Wise program. In June 2006, Carol was offered one of the most coveted forester positions in Maine as the Resource Manager responsible for Baxter State Park’s 30,000 acre Scientific Forest Management Area. Governor Percival Baxter donated this land to the Park in 1955 with his express wish that it be available for both recreation and scientific forestry management, and serve as a model of forestland management in the state.
Carol has furthered the forestry profession in a variety of ways, including serving on Maine Board of Licensure for Foresters (1995-2005) and in numerous positions with the Society of American Foresters, including Maine Division Chair-elect (1992) and Chair (1993), Forest Practices Task Force (1994-95), General Chair of New England SAF Annual Winter Meeting (1993), Co-chair National SAF Centennial Committee (1996-2000), Maine Representative to New England SAF (1997-98), National Certification Review Board member (2002-08), and many other positions.
Carol has been given a number of honors for her contributions to the state’s forestry profession, including the Maine Tree Farm / PLT Education Stewardship Award (1993), Maine Division SAF Distinguished Service Award (1994), New England SAF Young Forester Leadership Award (1995), and in 2008 was elected as a National SAF Fellow.
During her career Carol has developed a reputation among those in Maine’s forestry community as exemplifying the highest level of professional ethics and land stewardship, values that the School of Forest Resources places at the top of its educational priorities for our graduate foresters. It is for this reason that we are honored to recognize Carol L. Redelsheimer as the School of Forest Resources Distinguished Alumna for 2010.