Erika Rowland
Erika Rowland (Ph.D. ’06) recently took a position as an Assistant Conservation Scientist with the North America Program of the Wildlife Conservation Society working on climate change issues. Erika helps to provide scientific, conservation and technical support for projects at several landscapes across North America with the aim of applying the best-available climate change science to identify or modify conservation and management practices. The position requires close collaboration with project leaders within the WCS North America Program, as well as scientists and managers at other organizations, universities and government agencies, and diverse stakeholders in particular landscapes. To date, a major component of the position has been to help organize and facilitate workshops designed to address climate change adaptation planning for key conservation targets. While WCS focuses its conservation work in Adirondack State Park, the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Arctic Alaska and the Northern Boreal forest of Ontario, Erika is also contributing to projects in the northern and southern Great Plains. Originally from Maine, she and her family are enjoying living in Bozeman, MT, and exploring the Northern Rockies after spending two very hot years at the University of Arizona.