Aaron Weiskittel – Selected Publications

in press


Pugh, K.B., Uhrig, E.J., Fergusson, M., Weiskittel, A., Moeykens, S., and Saffeir, J.D. 2024. Collaborating for a thriving Maine forest sector. Maine Policy Review 33(8): 1-7.

Ray D., Seymour, R., Fraver, S., Berrill, J.-P., Kenefic, L., Rogers,N., and Weiskittel, A. 2024. Quantifying minimum site occupancy requirements of common forest tree species in northern New England, USA: Implications for stocking assessment. Forest Ecology and Management 566: 122057.

Shannon, E.S., Finley, A.O, Hayes, D.J., Noralez, S.N. Weiskittel, A.R., Cook, B.D., and Babcock, C. 2024. Quantifying and correcting geolocation error in spaceborne LiDAR forest canopy observations using high spatial accuracy data: A Bayesian model approach. Environmetrics 35: e2840.

Roy, S., Wei, X., Weiskittel, A., Hayes, D.J., Nelson, P., and Contosta, A. 2024. Influence of climate zone shifts on forest ecosystems in northeastern United States and maritime Canada. Ecological Indicators 160: 111921.

Daigneault, A., Simons-Legaard, E., and Weiskittel, A. 2024. Tradeoffs and synergies of optimized management for maximizing carbon sequestration across complex landscapes and diverse ecosystem services. Forest Policy and Economics. 103178.

Chivhenge, E., Ray, D.G., Weiskittel, A.R., Woodall, C.W., and D’Amato, A.W. 2024. Evaluating the development and application of stand density index for the management of complex and adaptive forests. Current Forestry Reports: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40725-024-00212-w.

Shannon, E.S., Finley, A.O., Hayes, D.J., Noralez, S.N., Weiskittel, A.R., Cook, B.D., Babcock, C. 2024. Quantifying and correcting geolocation error in spaceborne LiDAR forest canopy observations using high spatial accuracy data: A Bayesian model approach. Environmetrics: e2840.


Ray, D., Seymour, R., Fraver, S., Berrill, J.-P., Kenefic, L., Rogers, N., and Weiskittel, A. 2023. Relative density as a standardizing metric for the development of size-density management charts. Journal of Forestry 121: 443-456.

Premer, M., Turnblom, E., and Weiskittel, A. 2023. Whoa on the wobble! Stem sinuosity in juvenile Douglas-fir across levels of genetic gain, silvicultural treatments, site conditions, and climatic variables in the Pacific Northwest. Forest Ecology and Management 552: 121579.

Zhao, J., Daigneault, A., Weiskittel, A., and Wei, X. 2023. Climate and socioeconomic impacts on Maine’s forests under alternative future pathways. Ecological Economics 214: 107979.

Wagle, B.H., Weiskittel, A.R., Berrill, J.-P., Kizha, A.R., D’Amato, A.W., and Marshall, D. 2023. Tree-level responses to commercial thinning in spruce-fir forests across northern Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 546: 121358.

Chen, C., Kerhsaw Jr., J., Weiskittel, A., and McGarrigle, E. 2023. Can a multistage approach improve individual tree mortality predictions across the complex mixed-species and managed forests of eastern North America? Forest Ecosystems 10: 100086.

Bettinger, P., Merry, K., Fei, S. Weiskittel, A., and Ma, Z. 2023. Usefulness and need for digital technology to assist forest management: Summary of findings from a survey of registered foresters. Journal of Forestry 121: 1-11.


Gara, T.W., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., and Weiskittel, A. 2022. Determination of foliar traits in an ecologically distinct conifer species in Maine using Sentinel-2 imagery and site variables: Assessing the effect of leaf trait expression and upscaling approach on prediction accuracy. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 193: 150-163.

Bhattarai, R., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., and Weiskittel, A. 2022. Multi-source mapping of forest susceptibility to spruce budworm defoliation based on stand age and composition across a complex landscape in Maine, USA. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 48: 873-893.

Kuehne, C., Weiskittel, A., and Kershaw Jr., J.A. 2022. Development and evaluation of refined annualized individual tree diameter and height increment equations for the Acadian Variant of the Forest Vegetation Simulator: Implication for forest carbon estimates. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences 14: 9-31.

Dettmann, G.T., MacFarlane, D.W., Radtke, P.J., Weiskittel, A.R., Affleck, D., Poudel, K.P., and Westfall, J. 2022. Testing a generalized leaf mass estimation method for diverse tree species and climates of the continental United States. Ecological Applications e2646.

Naderi, S., Bundy, K., Whitney, T., Abedi, A., Weiskittel, A., and Contosta, A., 2022. Sharing wireless spectrum in the forest ecosystems Using artificial intelligence and machine learning. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-022-00572-9.

Wagle, B.H., Weiskittel, A.R., Kizha, A.R., Berrill, J.-P., D’Amato, A.W., and Marshall, D. 2022. Long-term influence of commercial thinning on stand structure and yield with/without pre-commercial thinning of spruce-fir in northern Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 522: 120453.

Kuehne, C., Weiskittel, A., and Granhus, A. 2022. Examining approaches for modeling individual tree growth response to thinning in Norway spruce. Forest Ecosystems 9: 10060.

Soucy, A., De Urioste-Stone, S., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., Weiskittel, A., Duveneck, M.J., and McGreavy, B. 2022. A comprehensive and spatially explicit regional vulnerability assessment of the forest industry to climate change. Journal of Forestry 120: 170-185.

Granstrom, M., Crandall, M.S., Kenefic, L.K., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2022. Tree quality and value: results in northern conifer stands after 65 years of silviculture and management. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 52: 794-807.

D’Amato, A.W., Woodall, C.W., Weiskittel, A.R., Littlefield, C.E. and Murray, L.T. 2022. Carbon conundrums: Do United States’ current carbon market baselines represent an undesirable ecological threshold? Global Change Biology 28: 3991-3994.

Zhao, J., Daigneault, A., and Weiskittel, A. 2022. Estimating regional timber supply and forest carbon sequestration under shared socioeconomic pathways: A case study of Maine, USA. PloS Clim 1(5): e0000018.

Li, L., Wei, X., Zhao, J., Hayes, D., Daigneault, A., Weiskittel, A., Kizha, A.R., and O’Neill, S.R. 2022. Technological advancement expands carbon storage in harvested wood products in Maine, USA. Biomass and Bioenergy 161: 106457.

Meneghini, A., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., Livingston, W., and Weiskittel, A. 2022. Detecting white pine needle damage through satellite remote sensing. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 48: 239-257.

Puhlick, J.J., Weiskittel, A.R., Fernandez, I.J., Solarik, K.A., and Sleep, D. 2022. Evaluation of projected carbon accumulation after implementing different forest management treatments in mixed-species stands in northern Maine. Carbon Management 13: 190-204.

Andrews, C., Foster, J., Weiskittel, A., D’Amato, T., and Simons-Legaard, E. 2022. Integrating historical observations alters projections of eastern North American spruce-fir habitat under climate change. Ecosphere 13: e4016.

Bhattarai, R., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., Weiskittel, A., Homayouni, S., Gara, T.W., and Hanavan, R.P. 2022. Estimating species-specific leaf area index and basal area using optical and SAR remote sensing data in Acadian mixed spruce-fir forests, USA. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 108: 102727.

Waldy, J., Kershaw Jr., J.A., Weiskittel, A., and Ducey, M.J. 2022. Diameter distribution model development of tropical hybrid Eucalyptus clonal plantations in Sumatera, Indonesia: A comparison of estimation methods. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 52: 1.

Louis, L.T., Kizha, A.R., Daigneault, A., Han, H.-S., and Weiskittel, A. 2022. Factors affecting operational cost and productivity of ground-based timber harvesting machines: A meta-analysis. Current Forestry Reports 7: 1-17.


Soucy, A., De Urioste-Stone, S., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., and Weiskittel, A. 2021. Drivers of climate change risk perceptions among diverse forest stakeholders in Maine, USA. Society & Natural Resources.

Soucy, A., De Urioste-Stone, S., Fernandez, I.J., Weiskittel, A., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P. and Doak, T. 2021. Forest policies and adaptation to climate change in Maine: Stakeholder perceptions and recommendations. Maine Policy Review 30: 66-77.

Ayrey E, Hayes DJ, Kilbride JB, Fraver S, Kershaw JA Jr., Cook BD, and Weiskittel AR. 2021. Synthesizing disparate LiDAR and satellite datasets through deep learning to generate wall-to-wall regional inventories for the complex, mixed-species forests of the eastern United States. Remote Sensing: 13, 5113.

Carter, D., Bialecki, M.B., Windmuller-Campione, M., Seymour, R.S., Weiskittel, A., and Altman, J. 2021. Detecting growth releases of mature retention trees in response to small-scale gap disturbances of known dates in natural-disturbance-based silvicultural systems in Maine. Forest Ecology and Management 502: 119721.

Woodall, C.W. and Weiskittel, A.R. 2021. Relative density of United States forests has shifted to higher levels over last two decades with important implications for future dynamics. Scientific Reports 11: 18848.

Waldy, J., Kershaw Jr., J.A., Weiskittel, A., and Ducey, M.J. 2021. Comparison of time-based versus state–space stand growth models for tropical hybrid Eucalyptus clonal plantations in Sumatera, Indonesia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51: 1178-1187.

Soucy, A., De Urioste-Stone, S., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., Weiskittel, A., and McGreavy, B. 2021. Forestry professionals’ perceptions of climate change impacts on the forest industry in Maine, U.S. Journal of Sustainable Forest Management 40: 695-720.

Simons-Legaard, E., Legaard, K., and Weiskittel, A. 2021. Projecting complex interactions between forest harvest and succession in the northern Acadian Forest Region. Ecological Modelling 456: 109657.

Kosar Hamidi, S., Weiskittel, A., Bayat, M., and Fallah, A. 2021. Development of individual tree growth and yield model across multiple contrasting species using non-parametric and parametric methods in the Hyrcanian forests of northern Iran. European Journal of Forest Research 140: 421-434.

Kern, C.C., Kenefic, L.S., Kuehne, C., Weiskittel, A.R., Kaschmitter, S.J., D’Amato, A.W., Dey, D.D., Kabrick, J.M., Palik, B.J., and Schuler. T.M. 2021. Relative influence of stand and site factors on aboveground live-tree carbon sequestration and mortality in managed and unmanaged forests. Forest Ecology and Management 493: 119266.

McTague, J.P. and Weiskittel, A. 2021. Evolution, history, and use of stem taper equations: A review of their development, application, and implementation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51: 210-235.

Chen, C., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., and Weiskittel, A. 2021. Assessing spatial and temporal dynamics of a spruce budworm outbreak across the complex forested landscape of Maine, USA. Annals of Forest Science 78: 33. 

Wei, X., Hayes, D.J., Fernandez, I., Fraver, S., Zhao, J. and Weiskittel , A. 2021. Climate and atmospheric deposition drive the inter-annual variability and long-term trend of dissolved organic carbon flux in the conterminous United States. Science of the Total Environment 771: 145448.

Bose, A., Wagner, R., Weiskittel, A., and D’Amato, A. 2021. Effect magnitudes of operational-scale partial harvesting on residual tree growth and mortality of ten major tree species in Maine USA. Forest Ecology and Management 484: 118953.

Bhattarai, R., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., Weiskittel, A., Meneghini, A, and MacLean, D. 2021. Spruce budworm tree host species distribution and abundance mapping using multi-temporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 172: 28-40.


Leite, R.V., Silva, C.A., Mohan, M., Cardil, A., Alves de Almeida, D.R., de Pádua Chaves e Carvalho, S., Shafrina, W. Jaafar, W.M., Guerra, J., Weiskittel, A., Hudak, A.T., Broadbent, E.N.,Prata, G., Valbuena, R., Leite, H.G., Taquetti, M.F., Soares, A.A.V., Scolforo, H.F., Hummel do Amaral, C.,Corte, A.P.D., Klauberg, C.. 2020. Individual tree attribute estimation and uniformity assessment in fast-growing Eucalyptus spp. forest plantations using lidar and linear mixed-effects models. Remote Sensing 12: 3599.

Soucy, A., De Urioste-Stone, S., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., Weiskittel, A., and McGreavy, B. 2020. Understanding characteristics of forest professionals and small woodlot owners for communicating climate change adaptation. Trees, Forests and People 2: 100036.

Puhlick, J.J., Weiskittel, A.R., Kenefic, L.K., Woodall, C.W., and Fernandez, I.J. 2020. Strategies for enhancing long-term carbon sequestration in mixed-species, naturally regenerated northern temperate forests. Carbon Management 11: 381-397.

Salas-Eljatib, C. and Weiskittel. A. 2020. On studying the patterns of individual-based tree mortality in natural forests: a modelling analysis. Forest Ecology and Management 475: 118369.

Zhao, J., Daigneault, A., and Weiskittel, A. 2020. Forest landowner harvest decisions in a new era of conservation stewardship and changing markets in Maine, USA. Forest Policy and Economics 118: 102251.

Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., Hennigar, C., Weiskittel, A., and Lamb, S. 2020. Forest potential productivity mapping by linking remote-sensing derived metrics to site variables. Remote Sensing 12: 2056.

Colmanetti, M.A.A., Weiskittel, A., Scolforo, H.F., Sotomayor, F.M., and Zarate do Couto, H.T. 2020. Calibrating individual tree biomass models for contrasting tropical species at an uneven-aged site in the native Atlantic Forest of Brazil: A direct comparison of alternative approaches, sample sizes, and sample selection methods. Forest Ecology and Management 473: 118306.

Bhattarai, R., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., Weiskittel, A., and MacLean, D. 2020. Sentinel-2 based prediction of spruce budworm defoliation using red-edge spectral vegetation indices. Remote Sensing Letters 11: 777-786.

Legaard, K., Simons-Legaard, E., and Weiskittel, A. 2020. Multi-objective support vector regression reduces systematic error in moderate resolution maps of tree species abundance. Remote Sensing 12: 1739.

Kuehne, C., Russell, M.B., Weiskittel, A.R, and Kershaw Jr., J.A. 2020. Comparing strategies for representing individual-tree secondary growth in mixed-species stands in the Acadian Forest region. Forest Ecology and Management 459: 117823.


Kuehne, C., Weiskittel, A., Simons-Legaard, E., and Legaard, K. 2019. Development and comparison of various stand- and tree-level modeling approaches to predict harvest occurrence and intensity across the mixed forests in Maine, northeastern US. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 34: 739-750.

Weiskittel, A.R. and Kuehne, C. 2019. Evaluating and modeling variation in site-level maximum carrying capacity of mixed-species forest stands in the Acadian Region of northeastern North America. Forestry Chronicle 95(3): 171-182.

Patel, K., Fernandez, I.J., Nelson, S.J., Gruselle, M.-C., Norton, S.A., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2019. Forest N dynamics after 25 years of whole watershed N enrichment: The Bear Brook Watershed in Maine. Soil Science Society of America Journal 83(Suppl1): S161-S174.

Puhlick. J.J., Fraver, S., Fernandez, I.J., Teets, A., Weiskittel, A.R., and Kenefic, L.S. 2019. Site quality, disturbance, and vegetation effects on carbon storage and accumulation in old, mixed-species stands in central Maine, USA. Natural Areas Journal 39: 429.

Wilson, D., Monleon, V., and Weiskittel, A. 2019. Quantification and incorporation of uncertainty in forest growth and yield projections using a Bayesian probabilistic framework: A demonstration for plantation coastal Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences 11: 264-285.

Chen, C., Wei, X., Weiskittel, A., and Hayes, D.J. 2019. Above-ground carbon stock in merchantable trees not reduced between cycles of spruce budworm outbreaks due to changing species composition in spruce-fir forests of Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 453: 117590.

Fien, E., Teets, A., Hollinger, D., Fraver, S., and Weiskittel, A. 2019. Drivers of individual tree growth and mortality in an uneven-aged, mixed-species conifer forest. Forest Ecology and Management 449: 117446. 

Yang, T.-R., Kershaw, J., Weiskittel, A., Lam, T.Y., and McGarrigle, E. 2019. Influence of sample selection method and estimation technique on sample size requirements for wall-to-wall estimation of volume using airborne LiDAR. Forestry 92: 311-323.

Ayrey, E., Hayes, D.J., Fraver, S., Kershaw Jr., J.A., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2019 Ecologically-based metrics for assessing structure in developing area-based, enhanced forest inventories from LiDAR. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 45: 88-112.

Muñoz Delgado, B.L.,Kenefic, L.S., Weiskittel, A.R., Fernandez, I.J., Benjamin, J.G., Dibble, A.C. 2019. Northern mixedwood composition and productivity 50 years after whole-tree and stem-only harvesting with and without post-harvest prescribed burning. Forest Ecology and Management 441: 155-166.

Chen, C., Weiskittel, A., Bataineh, M. and MacLean, D.A. 2019. Modelling variation and temporal dynamics of individual tree defoliation caused by spruce budworm in Maine, USA and New Brunswick, Canada. Forestry 92: 133-145.

Almeida Colmanetti, M.A., Weiskittel, A., Barbosa, L.M., Shirasuna, R.T., Cirilo de Lima, F., Torres Ortiz, P.R., Martins Catharino, E.L., Cavalheiro Barbosa, T., and Thadeu Zarate do Couto, H. 2019. Aboveground biomass and carbon of the highly diverse Atlantic Forest in Brazil: comparison of alternative individual tree modeling and prediction strategies. Carbon Management 9: 383-397. 

Kuehne, C., Weiskittel, A.R., and Waskiewicz, J. 2019. Comparing performance of contrasting distance-independent and distance-dependent competition metrics in predicting individual tree diameter increment and survival within structurally-heterogeneous, mixed-species forests of Northeastern United States. Forest Ecology and Management 433: 205-216.


Chen, C., Weiskittel, A., Bataineh, M. and MacLean, D.A. 2018. Refining the Forest Vegetation Simulator for projecting the effects of spruce budworm defoliation in the Acadian Region of North America. Forestry Chronicles 94: 240-253.

Kuehne, C., Puhlick, J., Weiskittel, A., Cutko, A. Cameron, D. Sferra, N. and Schlwain, J. 2018. Metrics for comparing stand structure and dynamics between Ecological Reserves and managed forest of Maine, USA. Ecology 99: 2876.

Salas-Eljatib, C. and Weiskittel, A. 2018. Evaluation of modeling strategies for assessing self-thinning behavior and carrying capacity. Ecology and Evolution 8: 10768-10779.

Wilkins, E., De Urioste-Stone, S., Weiskittel, A., and Gabe, T. 2018. Effects of weather conditions on tourism spending: Implications for future trends under climate change. Journal of Travel Research 57: 1042-1053.

Clough, B.J., Domke, G.M., MacFarlane, D.W., Radtke, P.J., Russell, M.B., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2018. Testing a new component ratio method for predicting total tree aboveground and component biomass for widespread pine and hardwood species of eastern US. Forestry 91: 575-588.

Castle, M.E., Weiskittel, A.R., Ducey, M.J., Wagner, R.G., Frank, J., Pelletier, G. 2018. Evaluating the influence of stem form and damage on individual tree diameter increment and survival in the Acadian Region: Implications for predicting future value of northern commercial hardwood stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48: 1-13.

Dănescu, A., Kohlne, U., Bauhus, J., Weiskittel, A., and Albrecht, A. 2018. Long-term development of natural regeneration in irregular, mixed stands of silver fir and Norway spruce. Forest Ecology and Management 430: 105-116. 

Kuehne, C., Pommerening, A., Weiskittel, A., and Wagner, R.G. 2018. Evaluation of ten-year temporal and spatial variability in structure and growth across contrasting commercial thinning treatments in spruce-fir forests of northern Maine, USA. Annals of Forest Science 75: 20.

Teets, A., Fraver, S., Weiskittel, A., Hollinger, D. 2018. Quantifying climate–growth relationships at the stand level in a mature mixed-species conifer forest. Global Change Biology 24: 3587-3602.

MacDonald, B.S. , Horne, L.R., De Urioste-Stone, S., Haskell, J.E. and Weiskittel, A. 2018. Collaborative leadership is key for Maine’s forest products industry. Maine Policy Review 27: 90-98. 

Frank, J., Castle, M., Westfall, J.A., Weiskittel, A., MacFarlane, D.W., Baral, S., Radtke, P.J., and Pelletier, G. 2018. Variation in occurrence and extent of internal stem decay in standing trees across the eastern US and Canada: Evaluation of modeling approaches and influential factors. Forestry 91: 382-399.

Bose, A.K., Weiskittel, A., Kuehne, C., Wagner, R.G., Turnblom, E., and Burkhart, H.E. 2018. Tree-level growth and survival following commercial thinning of four major softwood species in North America. Forest Ecology and Management 427: 355-364.

Wesely, N., Fraver, S., Kenefic, L., Weiskittel, A., Ruel, J.-C. , Thompson, M., and White, A. 2018. Structural attributes of old-growth and partially harvested northern white -cedar stands in Northeastern North America. Forests 9: 376.

Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P. Weiskittel, A., Kneeshaw, D., and MacLean, D. 2018. Detection of annual spruce budworm defoliation and severity classification using Landsat imagery. Forests  9: 357. 

Scolforo, H.F., McTague, J.P., Raimundo, M.R., Weiskittel, A., Carrero, O., and Scolforo, J.R.S. 2018. Comparison of taper functions applied to Eucalypts of varying genetics in Brazil: Application and evaluation of the penalized mixed spline approach. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48: 1-13.

Wilkins, E., de Urioste-Stone, S., Weiskittel, A., and Gabe, T. 2018. Weather sensitivity and climate change perceptions of tourists: a segmentation analysis. Tourism in Changing Natural Environments 20: 273-289.

Andrews, C., Weiskittel, A., D’Amato, A.W., and Simons-Legaard, E. 2018. Variation in the maximum stand density index and its linkage to climate in mixed species forests of the North American Acadian Region. Forest Ecology and Management 417: 90-102.

Rehfeldt, G.E., Leites, L, Joyce, D., and Weiskittel, A. 2018. Role of population genetics in guiding ecological responses to climate. Global Change Biology 24: 858-868.

Bose, A., Wagner, R.G., Roth, B.E., and Weiskittel, A. 2018. Influence of browsing damage and overstory cover on regeneration of American beech and sugar maple nine years following understory herbicide release in central Maine. New Forests 49: 67-85.

MacPhee, C., Kershaw Jr., J.A., Weiskittel, A., Golding, J., and Lavigne, M.B. 2018. Comparison of approaches for estimating individual tree height–diameter relationships in the Acadian Forest Region. Forestry 91: 132-146.

Teets, A., Fraver, S., Hollinger, D.Y., Weiskittel, A.R., Seymour, R.S., and Richardson, A.D. 2018. Linking annual tree growth with eddy-flux measures of net ecosystem productivity across twenty years of observation in a mixed conifer forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 249: 479-487.

Bose, A., Weiskittel, A., Kuehne, C., Wagner, R.G., Turnblom, E., and Burkhart, H.E. 2018. Does commercial thinning improve stand-level growth of the three most commercially important softwood forest types in North America? Forest Ecology and Management 409: 683-693.  

Ver Planck, N., Finely, A.O, Kershaw, Jr., J.A., Weiskittel, A.R. and Kress, M.C. 2018. Hierarchical Bayesian models for small area estimation of forest variables using LiDAR. Remote Sensing of Environment 208: 287-295.


Bose, A., Weiskittel, A., and Wagner, R. 2017. Temporal shift in American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh) occurrence and abundance over the past three decades in forests of Northeastern USA. Journal of Applied 54: 1592-1604.

Hiesel, P., Crandall, M.S., Weiskittel, A.R., and Kizha, A.R. 2017. Assessing alternative silvicultural prescriptions for mid-rotation, unthinned, spruce-fir stands in Maine. Forests 8: 370.

Cen, C., Weiskittel, A., Bataineh, M., and MacLean, D.A. 2017. Even low levels of spruce budworm defoliation affect mortality and ingrowth but net growth is more driven by competition. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47: 1545-1556.

Castle, M., Weiskittel, A., Wagner, R., Ducey, M., Frank, J., and Pelletier, G. 2017. Variation in stem form and risk of four commercially important hardwood species in the Acadian Forest: Implications for potential sawlog volume and tree classification systems. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47: 1457-1467.

Kershaw Jr., J.A., Weiskittel, A., Lavigne, M.B., and McGarrigle, E. 2017. An imputation/copula-based stochastic individual tree growth model for mixed species Acadian Forests: A case study using the Nova Scotia permanent sample plot network. Forest Ecosystems 4: 15.

Carter, D., Seymour, R.S., Fraver, S. and Weiskittel, A. 2017. Effects of multiaged silvicultural systems on reserve tree growth 19 years after establishment across multiple species in the Acadian forest in Maine, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47: 1314-1324.

Dunckel, K., Fiske, G., and Weiskittel, A. 2017. Projected future eastern hemlock distribution across alternative climate scenarios in Maine, U.S. Forests 8: 285.

Huff, E.S., Leahy, J.E., Kittredge, D.B., Noblet, C.L. and Weiskittel, A. 2017. Psychological distance of timber harvesting for private woodland owners. Forest Policy and Economics 81: 48-56.

Chen, C., Weiskittel, A., Bataineh, M., and MacLean, D. 2017. Evaluating the influence of varying levels of spruce budworm defoliation on annualized individual tree growth and mortality in Maine, USA and New Brunswick, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 396: 184-194.

Bose, A., Weiskittel, A., and Wagner, R. 2017. Occurrence, pattern of change, and factors associated with American beech-dominance in forest stands of the northeastern USA. Forest Ecology and Management 392: 202-2123.

Lam, T.Y., Kershaw Jr., J.A., Hajar, Z.S.N., Rahman, K.A., Weiskittel, A.R., and Potts, M.D. 2017. Evaluating and modelling genus and species variation in height-to-diameter relationships for Tropical Hill Forests in Peninsular Malaysia. Forestry 90: 268-278.

Hennigar, C., Weiskittel, A., Allen, H.L., and MacLean, D.A. 2017. Development and evaluation of a biomass increment-based index for site productivity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47: 400–410.

Puhlick, J.J., Woodall, C., and Weiskittel, A. 2017. Implications of land-use change on forest carbon stocks in the eastern United States. Environmental Research Letters 12: 024011.

Hiesel, P., Crandall, M., Weiskittel, A.R., Benjamin, J., and Wagner, R.G. 2017. Evaluating the long-term influence of alternative commercial thinning regimes and harvesting systems on projected net present value of precommercially thinned spruce-fir stands in northern Maine. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47: 203-214.

Ayrey, E., Fraver, S. Kershaw Jr, J.A., Kenefic, L.S., Hayes, D., Weiskittel, A.R., and Roth, B.E. 2017. Layer Stacking: A novel algorithm for individual forest tree segmentation from LiDAR point clouds. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 43: 16-27.

Carter, D., Seymour, R.S., Fraver, S., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2017. Reserve tree mortality in two expanding-gap silvicultural systems 20 years after establishment in the Acadian Forest of Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 389: 149-157.

Radtke, P.J., Walker, D., Frank, J., Weiskittel, A., DeYoung, C., MacFarlane, D., Domke, G., Woodall, C., Coulston, J. and Westfall, J. 2017. Improved accuracy of aboveground biomass and carbon estimates for live trees in forests of the eastern United States. Forestry 90: 32-46.


Weiskittel, A.R., Kuehne, C., McTague, J.P., and Oppenheimer, M. 2016. Development and evaluation of an individual tree growth and yield model for the mixed species forest of the Adirondacks Region of New York, USA. Forest Ecosystems 3: 26.

Bose, A.K., Weiskittel, A., Wagner, R.G., and Kuehne, C. 2016. Assessing the factors influencing natural regeneration patterns in the diverse, multi-cohort, and managed forests of Maine, USA. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 1140-1150.

Hayashi, R., Weiskittel, A.R. and Kershaw, J.A. 2016. Influence of prediction cell size on LiDAR-derived area-based estimates of total volume in mixed-species and multi-cohort forests in northeastern North America. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 42: 473-488.

Puhlick, J.J., Weiskittel, A.R., Fernandez, I.J., Fraver, S., Kenefic, L.S., Seymour, R.S., Kolka, R.K., Rustad, L.E. and Brissette, J.C.. 2016. Long-term influence of alternative forest management treatments on total ecosystem and wood product carbon storage. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46: 1404-1412.

Puhlick. J.J., Weiskittel, A.R., Fraver, S., Russell, M.B., and Kenefic, L.K. 2016. Assessing the role of natural disturbance and forest management on dead wood dynamics in mixed-species stands of central Maine, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46: 1-11.

Westfall, J.A., McRoberts, R.E., Radtke, P.J., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2016. Effects of uncertainty in upper-stem diameter information on tree volume estimates. European Journal of Forest Research 135: 937-947.

McTague, J.P. and Weiskittel, A.R. 2016. Individual-tree competition indices and improved compatibility with stand-level estimates of stem density and long-term production. Forests 7: 238.

Nelson, A.S., Wagner, R.G., Day, M.E., Fernandez, I.J., Weiskittel, A.R., and Saunders, M.R. 2016. Light absorption and light-use efficiency of juvenile white spruce trees in natural stands and plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 376: 158-165.

Kuehne, C., Weiskittel, A.R., Wagner, R.G., and Roth, B.E. 2016. Development and evaluation of individual tree- and stand-level approaches for predicting spruce-fir response to commercial thinning in Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 376: 84-95.

Puhlick, J.J., Fernandez, I.J., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2016. Evaluation of forest management effects on the mineral soil carbon pool of a lowland, mixed-species forest in Maine, USA. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 96: 207-218.

Puhlick, J.J., Fraver, S., Fernandez, I.J., Weiskittel, A.R, Kenefic, L.S., Kolka, R.K., Gruselle, M.-C. 2016. Factors influencing organic-horizon carbon pools in mixed-species stands of central Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 364: 90-100.

MacFarlane, D.W. and Weiskittel, A.R. 2016. A new method for capturing stem taper variation for trees of diverse morphological types. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46: 804-815.

Babcok, C., Finley, A.O., Cook, B.D., Weiskittel, A., and Woodall, C.W. 2016. Modeling forest biomass and growth: Coupling long-term inventory and LiDAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment 108: 1-12.

Staengle, S., Weiskittel, A., Dormann, C., and Brueche, F. 2016. Measurement and prediction of bark thickness in Picea abies: Assessment of accuracy, precision, and sample size requirements. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46: 39 – 47.


Huff E.S., Leahy J.E., Hiebeler D., Weiskittel A.R., Noblet C.L. 2015. An agent-based model of private woodland owner management behavior using social interactions, information flow, and peer-to-peer networks. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142453. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142453.

Hayashi, R. Kershaw, Jr., J.A., and Weiskittel, A. 2015. Evaluation of alternative methods for using LiDAR to predict aboveground biomass in mixed species and structurally complex forests in northeastern North America. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural Science 7: 49-65.

Weiskittel, A. 2015. Evaluating traditional peer-review processes and their alternatives: An opinionated discussion. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural Science 7: 81-92.

Silver, E.J., Leahy, J.E., Kitteridge, D., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2015. An evidence-based review of timber harvesting behavior among private woodland owners. Journal of Forestry 113: 490-499.

Dunckel, K., Weiskittel, A., Fiske, G., Sader, S.A., Latty, E., and Arnett, A. 2015. Linking remote sensing and various site factors for predicting the spatial distribution of eastern hemlock occurrence and relative basal area in Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 358: 180-191.

Kuehne, C., Weiskittel, A.R., Fraver, S., and Puettman, K.J. 2015. Effects of thinning induced changes in structural heterogeneity on growth, ingrowth, and mortality in secondary coastal Douglas-fir forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45: 1448-1461.

 Pamerleau-Couture, É., Krause, C., Pothier, D. and Weiskittel, A. 2015. Effect of three partial cutting practices on stand structure and growth of residual black spruce trees in north-eastern Quebec. Forestry 88: 471-483.

Weiskittel, A.R., MacFarlane, D.W., Radtke, P.J., Affleck, D.L.R., Temesgen, H., Westfall, J.A., Woodall, C.W., and Coulston, J.W. 2015. A call to improve methods for estimating tree biomass for regional and national assessments. Journal of Forestry 113: 414-424.

Simons-Legaard, E., Legaard, K., and Weiskittel, A. 2015. Predicting aboveground biomass with LANDIS-II: A global and temporal analysis of parameter sensitivity. Ecological Modelling 313: 325-332.

Silver, E.J., Leahy, J.E., Noblet, C.L., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2015. Maine woodland owner perceptions of long rotation woody biomass harvesting and bioenergy. Biomass and Bioenergy 76: 69-78.

Jiang, H., Radtke, P.J., Weiskittel, A., Coulston, J., and Guertin, P.J. 2015. Climate and soils-based models of site productivity in eastern U.S. tree species. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45: 325-342.

Nelson, A.S., Wagner, R.G., Weiskittel, A.R., and Saunders, M.R.  2015. Effects of species composition, thinning intensity, and shade tolerance on vertical distribution of leaf area index in juvenile stands in Maine, U.S.A. European Journal of Forest Research 134: 281-291.


Finely, A.O., Banerjee, S., Weiskittel, A.R., Babcock,C., and Cook, B.D. 2014. Dynamic spatial regression models for space-varying forest stand table. Environmentrics 25: 596-609.

 Nelson, A.S., Weiskittel, A.R., Saunders, M.R., and Wagner, R.G. 2014. Development and validation of small-diameter aboveground biomass equations for naturally-regenerated and planted tree species in eastern Maine. Biomass & Bioenergy 68: 215-227.

Russell, M.B, Weiskittel, A.R., and Kershaw, J.A. 2014. Comparing strategies for modeling individual-tree height and height-to-crown base increment in mixed-species Acadian forests of northeastern North America. European Journal of Forest Research 133: 1121-1135.

Colgan, C., McGill, B., Hunter, M.L., and Weiskittel, A. 2014. Managing the middle ground: Forests in the transition zone between cities and remote areas. Landscape Ecology 29: 1133-1143.

Hayashi, R., Weiskittel, A. and Sader, S. 2014. Assessing the feasibility of low-density LiDAR for stand inventory predictions in complex and managed forests of northern Maine. Forests 5: 363-383.

Rice, B., Weiskittel, A.R., Wagner, R.G. 2014. Efficiency of alternative forest inventory methods in partially harvested stands. European Journal of Forest Research 133: 261-272..

Nelson, A.S., Weiskittel, A., Wagner, R.G. 2014. Development of branch, crown, and vertical distribution leaf area models for contrasting hardwood species in Maine, USA. Trees 28: 17-30.


Bataineh, M.M., Kenefic, L., Weiskittel, A., Wagner, R., Brissette, J. 2013. Influence of partial harvesting and site factors on the abundance and composition of natural regeneration in the Acadian Forest of Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 306: 96-106.

Gagné, L.-V., Genet, A., Weiskittel. A., Achim, A. 2013. Assessing the potential stem growth and quality of yellow birch prior to restoration: A case study in eastern Canada. Forests 4: 766-785.

Puhlick, J.J., Moore, M.M. and Weiskittel, A.R. 2013. Factors influencing height-age relationships and recruitment of ponderosa pine regeneration in northern Arizona. Western Journal of Applied Forest Research 28:91-96.

Russell, M.B., Weiskittel, A.R., and Kershaw, J.A. 2013. Benchmarking and calibration of Forest Vegetation Simulator individual tree attribute predictions across the northeastern US. Northern Journal of Applied Forest Research 30: 75-84.

Bataineh, M., Wagner, R.G., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2013. Long-term response of spruce-fir stands to herbicide and precommercial thinning: Observed and projected growth, yield, and financial returns in central Maine, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43: 385-395.

Waskiewicz, J., Kenefic, L., Weiskittel, A., Seymour, R., 2013. Species mixture effects in northern red oak–eastern white pine stands in Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 298: 71-81.

Nelson, A., Wagner, R., Saunders, M., and Weiskittel, A. Influence of silvicultural intensity and species composition on the development of early-successional Acadian stands in eastern Maine. Forestry 86: 79-90.


Matney, J., Babcock, C., Finely, A.O., Weiskittel, A., and Cook, B.D. 2012. Multivariate spatial regression models for predicting forest structure variables using LiDAR data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 99: 1-9.

Russell, M.B., Kenefic, L.K., Weiskittel, A.R., Puhlick, J., and Brissette, J. 2012. Assessing and modeling standing deadwood attributes under alternative silvicultural regimes in the Acadian Forest region of Maine, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42: 1873-1883.

Russell, M.B. and Weiskittel, A.R. 2012. Assessing and modeling snag survival and decay dynamics for the primary species in the Acadian forest of Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 284: 230-240.

Nelson, A.S., Saunders, M.R., Wagner, R.G., Weiskittel, A.R. 2012.  Hybrid poplar and white spruce early stand production in mixed and monospecific plantations in eastern Maine. New Forests 43: 519-534.

Li, R., Weiskittel, A.R., Kershaw, J.A., and Dick, A. 2012. Regional stem taper equations for eleven conifer species in the Acadian Region of North America: Development and assessment. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 29: 5-14.

Rijal, B., Weiskittel, A.R., Kershaw, J.A. 2012. Development of regional height to diameter static equations for fifteen species in North American Acadian Region. Forestry 85: 379-390.

Weiskittel, A.R., Crookston, N.L., Rehfeldt, G.E. 2012. Projection of Douglas-fir future habitat and productivity in western North America. Schweiz Z Forstwes 163: 70-78.

Guiterman, C.H., Seymour, R.S., Weiskittel, A.R. 2012. Long-term patterns of projected leaf area in different thinning regimes of eastern white pine: Comparison of allometric model forms and fitting techniques. Forest Science 58: 85-93.

Li, R., Stewart, B., Weiskittel, A.R. A Bayesian approach for modeling nonlinear longitudinal/hierarchical data with random effects in forestry. Forestry 85: 17-25.

Kohnle, U., Hein, S., Musselmann, B., Sorensen, F.C., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2012. Influence of provenance on bark thickness and bark ratio of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) growing in southwestern Germany. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42: 382-399.

Rijal, B., Weiskittel, A.R., Kershaw, J.A. 2012. Development of height to crown base models for thirteen tree species of the North American Acadian Region. Forestry Chronicle 88: 60-73.

Auty, D., Weiskittel, A.R., Achim, A., Gardiner, B.A., and Moore, J.R. 2012. Influence of early respacing on Sitka spruce branch structure. Annals of Forest Science 69: 93-104.


Li, R., Weiskittel, A.R., and Kershaw, J.A. Modeling annualized occurrence, frequency, and composition of ingrowth using mixed-effects zero-inflated models and permanent plots in the Acadian Region of North America. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 2077-2089.

Russell, M.B., Weiskittel, A.R., Kershaw, J.A. Assessing model performance in forecasting long-term individual tree diameter versus basal area increment for the primary Acadian species. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 2267-2275.

McGarrigle, E., Kershaw, J.A., Lavinge, M., Weiskittel, A.R., Ducey, M.J. Predicting small tree diameter distributions using predictions from a two-parameter Weibull distribution in the Acadian Forest region. Forestry 84: 431-439.

Guiterman, C.H., Seymour, R.S., and Weiskittel, A.R. Influence of conventional and low density thinning on the volume growth and lower bole taper of a eastern white pine plantation in central Maine. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 28: 123-128.

Weiskittel, A.R., Crookston, N.L., Radtke, P.J. Linking climate, gross primary productivity, and site index across forests of the western United States. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 1710-1721.

Weiskittel, A.R., Hann, D.W., Kerhsaw Jr., J.A., Vanclay, J.K. 2011. Forest Growth and Yield Modeling. Wiley. 424 p.

Weiskittel, A.R., Kenefic, L.S., Li, R., and Brissette, J.C. Stand structure and composition 32 Years after precommercial thinning treatments in a mixed northern conifer stand in central Maine. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 28: 92-96.

Russell, M.B. and Weiskittel, A.R. 2011. Maximum and largest crown width equations for fifteen tree species in Maine. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 28: 84-91.

Temesgen, H., Monleon, V., Weiskittel, A., and Wilson, D. 2011. Sampling strategies for efficient estimation of tree foliage biomass. Forest Science 57: 153-163.

Li, R. and Weiskittel, A.R. 2011. Estimating and predicting bark thickness for seven conifer species in the Acadian Region of North America using a mixed-effects modeling approach: Comparison of model forms and subsampling strategies. European Journal of Forest Research 130: 219-233.


Crookston, N.L., Rehfeldt, G.E., Dixon, G.E., and Weiskittel, A.R. Addressing climate change in the Forest Vegetation Simulator to assess impacts on landscape forest dynamics. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 1198-1211.

Hann, D.W. and Weiskittel, A.R. 2010. Evaluation of alternative approaches for predicting individual tree volume growth rate. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 25: 120-126.

Hein, S. and Weiskittel, A.R. 2010. Cutpoint analysis for models with binary outcomes: a case study on branch mortality. European Journal of Forest Research 129: 585-590.

Weiskittel, A.R., Hofmeyer, P.V., Seymour, R.S., and Kershaw, J.A. 2010. Modelling primary branch frequency and size for five conifer species in Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 1912-1921.

Li, R. and Weiskittel, A.R. 2010. Development and evaluation of regional taper and volume equations for the primary conifer species in the Acadian Region of North America. Annals of Forest Science 67: 302.

Weiskittel, A.R., Maguire, D.A., Monserud, R.A., and Johnson, G.P. 2010. A hybrid model for intensively managed Douglas-fir plantations in the Pacific Northwest, USA. European Journal of Forest Research 129: 325-338.

Li, R., Bettinger, P., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2010. Comparison of three different methods used to generate forest landscapes for spatial harvest scheduling problems with adjacency restrictions. Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural Resources Sciences 2: 1-8.


Weiskittel, A.R., Kenefic, L.S., Seymour, R.S., and Phillips, L.M. 2009. Long-term effects of precommercial thinning on stem dimensions, form, and branch characteristics of red spruce and balsam fir crop trees. Silva Fennica 43: 397-409.

Weiskittel, A.R., Kershaw, J.A., Hofmeyer, P.V., and Seymour, R.S. 2009. Species differences in total and vertical distribution of branch- and tree-level leaf area for the five primary conifer species in Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1695-1703.

Kershaw, J.A., Benjamin, J.G., and Weiskittel, A.R. 2009. Approaches for modeling vertical distribution of maximum knot size in black spruce: A comparison of fixed and mixed effects nonlinear models. Forest Science 55: 230-237.

Weiskittel, A.R., Hann, D.W., Bluhm, A.A., Hibbs, D.E., Lam, T.Y. 2009. Modeling plantation red alder dominant height growth. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 323-331.

Benjamin, J., Kershaw, J.A., Weiskittel, A.R., Chui, Y.H., and Zhang, S.Y. 2009. External knot size and frequency in black spruce trees from an initial spacing trial in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Forestry Chronicle 85: 618-624.

Weiskittel, A.R., Gould, P.J., and Temesgen, H. 2009. Sources of variation in the self-thinning boundary line for three species with varying levels of shade tolerance. Forest Science 55: 84-93.


Hein, S., Weiskittel, A.R., and Kohnle, U. 2008 Branch characteristics of widely spaced Douglas-fir in south-western Germany: Comparisons of modelling approaches and geographic regions. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 1064-1079.

Hein, S., Weiskittel, A.R., and Kohnle, U. 2008. Effect of wide spacing on tree growth, branch and sapwood properties of young Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] in south-western Germany. European Journal of Forest Research 127: 481-493.

Weiskittel, A.R., Hailemariam, T., Wilson, D.S., Maguire, D.A., 2008. Sources of within- and between-stand variability in specific leaf area of three ecologically distinct conifer species. Annals of Forest Science 65, 103.


Weiskittel, A.R., Maguire, D.A., Monserud, R.A., 2007. Modeling individual branch growth and mortality in intensively managed Douglas-fir plantations: Implications for predicting individual tree growth. Forest Ecology and Management 251, 182-194.

Weiskittel, A.R., Garber, S.M., Johnson, G.P., Maguire, D.A., Monserud, R.A., 2007. Annualized diameter and height growth equations for Pacific Northwest plantation-grown Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and red alder. Forest Ecology and Management 250, 266-278.

Weiskittel, A.R., Maguire, D.A., Monserud, R.A., 2007. Modeling crown structural responses to competing vegetation control, thinning, fertilization, and Swiss needle cast in coastal Douglas-fir of the Pacific Northwest, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 245, 96-109.

Weiskittel, A.R., Maguire, D.A., 2007. Response of Douglas-fir leaf area index and litterfall dynamics to Swiss needle cast in north coastal Oregon, USA. Annals of Forest Science 64, 121-132.


Weiskittel, A.R., Maguire, D.A., Monserud, R.A., Rose, R., Turnblom, E.C., 2006. Intensive management influence on Douglas-fir stem form, branch characteristics, and simulated product recovery. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 36, 293-312.

Weiskittel, A.R., Maguire, D.A., Garber, S.M., Kanaskie, A., 2006. Influence of Swiss needle cast on foliage age class structure and vertical distribution in Douglas-fir plantations of north coastal Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36, 1497-1508.

Weiskittel, A.R., Maguire, D.A., 2006. Branch surface area and its vertical distribution in coastal Douglas-fir. Trees 20, 657-667.

Temesgen, H., Weiskittel, A.R., 2006. Leaf mass per area relationships across light gradients in hybrid spruce crowns. Trees 20, 522-530.