Anil Raj Kizha – Selected Publications

*Graduate student supervised

Undergraduate student supervised

φ Corresponding author

  1. Louis LT*, Kizha ARφ. Wood biomass recovery costs under different harvesting methods and market conditions. International Journal of Forest Engineering. 14942119.2021.1874206.
  2. Kizha ARφ, Han H-S, Anderson N, Koirala A*, Louis LT *. 2020. Comparing hot and cold loading in an integrated biomass recovery operation. Forests (11): 385. doi:10.3390/f11040385
  3. Soman H*, Kizha ARφ, Munoz B, Kenefic L, Kanoti K. 2020. Production economics: Comparing hybrid tree-length with whole-tree harvesting method. Forestry: International Journal of Forest Research 93 (3) 389–400. DOI: 1093/forestry/cpz065
  4. Paulson J*, Kizha ARφ, Han H-S. 2019. Integrating biomass conversion technologies with recovery operations in-woods: Modelling supply chain. Logistics 3 (3): 16.
  5. Soman H*, Kizha AR φ, Roth BE. Impacts of Silvicultural Prescriptions and Implementation of Best Management Practices on Timber Harvesting Costs. International Journal of Forest Engineering.
    Sahoo K, Bilek EM, Bergman R, Kizha AR, Mani S. 2018. Economic analysis of forest residues logistics options to produce quality feedstocks. Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining. DOI:10.1002/bbb.1958
  6. Koirala A*, AR Kizha φ, CF Dehoop, P Heisl, S Gauthum, H-S Han, D Abbas, S Baral, S Bick, K Sahoo. 2018. Annotated Bibliography of the Global Literature on the Secondary Transportation of Raw and Comminuted Forest Products (2000–2015). Forests. 9(415):1-28. doi:10.3390/f9070415
  7. Kizha AR φ, H-S Han, J Paulson, A Koirala*. 2018. Strategies for reducing moisture content in forest residues at the harvest site. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 34(1): 25-33. DOI: 10.13031/aea.12427
  8. Koirala A*, AR Kizha φ, S De Urioste-Stone. 2017. Policy recommendation from stakeholders to improve Maine’s forest trucking enterprises: A qualitative research approach. Forests. 8(11): 434 doi:10.3390/f8110434.
  9. Hiesl P, M Crandall, A Weiskittel, AR Kizha. 2017. Assessing alternative silvicultural prescriptions for mid-rotation, unthinned, spruce-fir stands in Maine. Forests. 8: 370. doi:10.3390/f8100370
  10. Koirala A*, AR Kizha, S Baral. 2017. Modelling height-diameter relationship and volume of Teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) in central lowlands of Nepal. International Journal of Tropical Forestry. 7(1):28-42.
  11. Koirala A*, AR Kizha φ, BE Roth. 2017. Perceiving major problems and potential resolutions in forest products transportation by trucks and trailers. European Journal of Forest Engineering. 3(1):23-34.
  12. Kizha AR φ, H-S Han. 2017. Moisture content in forest residue piles: An insight on sampling methods and procedures. Current Forestry Reports. 3(1):1-11. DOI 10.1007/s40725-017-0060-5
  13. Kizha AR φ, H-S Han. 2016. Processing and sorting forest residues: Cost, productivity and managerial impacts. Biomass and Bioenergy. 93:97-106. DOI:10.1016/j.biombioe.2016.06.021
  14. Kizha AR φ, H-S Han. 2016. Predicting aboveground biomass in second growth coast redwood: Comparing localized with generic allometric equations. Forests 7(5). DOI: 10.3390/f7050096
  15. Montgomery TD*, H-S Han, AR Kizha. Modeling work plan logistics for centralized biomass recovery operations in mountainous terrain. Biomass and Bioenergy. 85:262-270. DOI:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.11.023
  16. Kizha AR φ, S Balachandran, B Madurapperuma, H Lima. 2016. Environmental impacts of accidental black liquor discharge: Geospatial evaluation and recommendation. International Journal of Environmental Sciences. 6(6): 922-933. DOI: 10.6088/ijes.6087
  17. Kizha AR φ, H-S Han, T Montgomery*, A Hohl. 2015. Determining cost zones and hot spots for procuring feedstock for woody biomass-based power plants in northern California. California Agriculture Journal. 69(3):184-190. DOI: 10.3733/ca.v069n03p184.
  18. Kizha AR φ, H-S Han. 2015. Forest residues recovered from whole-tree harvest operations. European Journal of Forest Engineering. 1(2): 46-55


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