Sandra De Urioste-Stone – Selected Publications
Refereed Journal Articles (*denotes graduate student, +denotes undergraduate student)
- Soucy, A.*, Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Weiskittel, A., Duveneck, M., & McGreavy, B. (2021). A comprehensive and spatially explicit regional vulnerability assessment of the forest industry to climate change. Journal of Forestry. doi:
- Soucy, A.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Fernandez, I., Weiskittel, A., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P. & Doak, T., (2021). Forest policies and adaptation to climate change in Maine: Stakeholder perceptions and recommendations. Maine Policy Review, 30(1), 66-77. Retrieved from
- Soucy, A.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., & Weiskittel, A. (2021). Drivers of climate change risk perceptions among forest stakeholders in Maine, USA. Society and Natural Resources. doi:
- Horne, L.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Daigle, J. & Noblet, C. (2021). Climate change resilience in the face of uncertainty: A phenomenological study. The Northeastern Naturalist, 28(sp11), 108-128. doi:
- Elliott, J.*, Dickson, C.+, Kantar, L., O’Neal, M., Lichtenwalner, A., Bryant, A., Jakubas, W., Pekins, P., De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Kamath, P. (2021). Prevalence and risk factors of Anaplasma infections in eastern moose (Alces alces americana) and winter ticks (Dermancentor albipictus) in Maine, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 57(4). doi: 10.7589/JWD-D-21-00020
- Horne, L.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Seekamp, E., Rickard., L., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P. & McGreavy, B. (2021). Determinants of visitor climate change risk perceptions in Acadia National Park, Maine, USA. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 35. doi: 10.1016/j.jort.2021.100401
- Soucy, A.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., Weiskittel, A., & McGreavy, B. (2020). Understanding characteristics of forest land managers and small woodlot owners for communicating climate change adaptation. Trees, Forests, and People. doi: 10.1016/j.tfp.2020.100036
- Soucy, A.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., Weiskittel, A., & McGreavy, B. (2020). Forestry professionals’ perceptions of climate change impacts on the forest industry in Maine, U.S. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. doi:
- Soucy, A.* & De Urioste-Stone, S.M. (2020). Tourist behaviour and tick-borne disease risk. WIT Transactions of Ecology and the Environment, 248, 77-88. doi: 10.2495/ST200071
- Gundrum, F., Sponarski, C., Rickard, L., & De Urioste-Stone, S.M. (2020). Cognitions toward black bear hunting in Maine: A quantitative content analysis of the print news media surrounding hunting referendums. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. doi: 10.1080/10871209.2020.1817629
- Shrestha, S.*, Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, P., & De Urioste-Stone, S.M. (2020). Probing recent environmental changes and people’s perception: A case study in Upper Mustang Himalaya using MODIS data. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 18, 100315. doi: 10.1016/j.rsase.2020.100315
- Daigle, J.J., Straub, C.L., Leahy, J.E., De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Ranco, D.J. & Siegart, N.W. (2019). Campers and behaviors of firewood transport: An application of involvement theory and beliefs about invasive forest pests. Forest Science, 65(3), 363-372. doi: 10.1093/forsci/fxy056
- Wilkins, E.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Weiskittel, A. & Gabe, T. (2018). Effects of weather conditions on tourism spending: Implications for future trends under climate change. Journal of Travel Research, 57(8), 1042-1053. doi: 10.1177/0047287517728591.
- MacDonald, B.*, Horne, L.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Haskell, J. & Weiskittel, A. (2018). Collaborative leadership is key for Maine’s forest products industry. Maine Policy Review, 27(1), 90-98. Retrieved from
- Horne, L.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Daigle, J. & Noblet, C. (2018). Using pile sorts to understand perceptions of climate change. WIT Transactions of Ecology and the Environment, 227, 175-183. doi: 10.2495/ST180171
- Fefer, J.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Daigle, J. & Silka, L. (2018). Understanding the perceived effectiveness of applying the Visitor Experience and Resource Protection (VERP) framework for recreation planning: A multi-case study in U.S. National Parks. The Qualitative Report, 23(7), 1561-1582. Retrieved from
- Wilkins, E.*, & De Urioste-Stone, S.M. (2018). Place attachment, recreational activities, and intended future visitation under climate change conditions. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(5), 798-811. doi: 1080/09669582.2017.1417416.
- Wilkins, E.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Weiskittel, A. & Gabe, T. (2018). Weather sensitivity and climate change perceptions of tourists: A segmentation analysis. Tourism Geographies, 20(2), 273-289. doi: 1080/14616688.2017.1399437.
- Daniel, H., De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Peralta, N., Ozorio, R. & Viera, F. (2017). The Uakari Lodge and community-based tourism. Case Research Journal, 37(4).
- Koirala A., Kizha, A.R. & De Urioste-Stone S.M. (2017). Policy recommendation from stakeholders to improve forest products transportation: A qualitative study. Forests, 8, 434. doi: 10.3390/f8110434.
- Pennington, P.M., Juárez J.G., Arrivillaga, M.R., De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Doktor, K., Bryan, J.P., Escobar, C.Y. & Cordón-Rosales, C. (2017). Toward Chagas disease elimination: Neonatal screening for congenital transmission in rural communities. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11(9), e0005783. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005783.
- Le, L., De Urioste-Stone, S.M. & Holmes, N. (2016). Exploring African American, Latino and Asian motivations to visit a heritage site: A case study of George Washington Carver National Monument. Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, 11(1), 55-71.
- Scaccia, M.D.* & De Urioste-Stone, S.M. (2016). Resident perceptions of sustainable tourism in Maine. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 11(3), 375-384. doi: 10.2495/SDP-V11-N3-375-384.
- De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Le, L., Scaccia, M.D.* & Wilkins, E.* (2016). Nature-based tourism and climate change risk: Visitors’ perceptions in Mount Desert Island, Maine. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 13, 57-65. doi: 1016/j.jort.2016.01.003.
- Fefer, J.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Daigle, J. & Silka, L. (2016). Using the Delphi technique to identify key elements for effective and sustainable visitor use planning frameworks. Sage Open, 6(2). doi: 1177/2158244016643141.
- De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Scaccia, M.D.* & Howe-Poteet, D.+ (2015). Exploring visitor perceptions of the influence of climate change on tourism at Acadia National Park, Maine. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 11, 34-43. doi: 10.1016/j.jort.2015.07.001.
- De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Pennington, P.M., Pellecer, E.*, Aguilar, T.*, Samayoa, G.+, Perdomo, H.*, Enriquez, H. & Juárez, J.G. (2015). Development of a community-based intervention for the control of Chagas disease based on peridomestic animal management: An Eco-bio-social perspective. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 109, 159-167. doi: 1093/trstmh/tru202.
- Bustamante, D., De Urioste-Stone, S.M., & Pennington, P. (2014). Ecological, social and biological risk factors for continued Chagas disease transmission by Triatoma dimidiata in Guatemala. PLoS ONE 9(8): e104599. doi: 1371/journal.pone.0104599.
- De Urioste-Stone, S.M., McLaughlin, W. J., Guilfoyle, K., Inglebret, E. & Sanyal, N. (2013). Co-administration in the Zunil Regional Municipal Protected Area, Guatemala. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 31(3): 61-76.
- De Urioste-Stone, S.M., McLaughlin, W.J. & Sanyal, N. (2006). Using the Delphi technique to identify topics for a protected area co-management capacity building programme. International Journal of Rural Management, 2(2), 191-211. doi: 10.1177/097300520600200204.
Book Chapters (*denotes graduate student, +denotes undergraduate student)
- Pennington, P.M., Pellecer, E.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Aguilar, T. & Juárez J.G. (2021). A successful community-based pilot programme to control insect vectors of Chagas disease in rural Guatemala. In J. Hendrichs, R. Pereira & M. J. B. Vreysen (Eds.), Area-wide integrated pest management: Development and field application (pp. 709-727) Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
- Horne, L.*, De Urioste-Stone, S.M., Daigle, J., Noblet, C., Rickard, L. Kohtala, H.+, & Morgan, A.* (2019). Climate change risk in nature-based tourism systems: A case study from Western Maine, USA. In Pröbstl-Haider, U., Richins, H., & Türk, S. (Ed.), Winter tourism: Trends and challenges. Boston, MA: CAB International.
- De Urioste-Stone, S.M., McLaughlin, W.J., Daigle, J., & Fefer, J.P.* (2018). Applying the case study methodology to tourism research. In R. Nunkoo (Ed.), Handbook of research methods in tourism and hospitality management (pp. 407-427). UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Spenceley, A., Snyman, S., De Urioste-Stone, S.M., & McCool, S. (2018). Capacity building for sustainable tourism management. In Y.F Leung, A. Spenceley, G. Hvenegaard, R. Buckley, & C. Groves (Eds.), Tourism and visitor management in protected areas: Guidelines for sustainability (pp. 63-72). Best practice protected area guidelines series, Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.