Nicole S. Rogers – Courses

SFR 408 – Silviculture

Theory and practice of controlling the composition, growth, quality and regeneration of forest stands for human benefit.  NOTE: Because of overlap, SFR 408 and SFR 509 cannot both be taken for degree credit.

Corequisites: SFR 407
Course Typically Offered: Fall
Credits: 3

SFR 409 – Forest Ecology and Silviculture Field Laboratory (Co-Taught)

Measurement, assessment and analysis of forest vegetation from a biological and silvicultural perspective. Designed to develop understanding and proficiency in: silvical properties of northeastern tree species; forest regeneration, succession and stand dynamics; prescribing silvicultural treatments; and formulating silvicultural systems. Weekly labs and several one-day field trips.

Prerequisites: WLE 200 or concurrent enrollment in SFR 407
Corequisites: SFR 408
Course Typically Offered: Fall
Credits: 2