The Worthen Woodland

LaGrange, 25 miles northeast of campus
255 acres

Owner: University of Maine

History: The Worthern Woodland was donated to the University by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Worthen in 1965. Proceeds from management operations on the forest go to support the Worthen Scholarships offered to students within the College of Natural Resources, Forestry, and Agriculture.

General Description: The Worthen Woodland consists of mixed stands of wood, wetlands, and the headwaters of Hemlock Stream. The lot has been divided in to 10-acre blocks similar to the Demeritt Forest, and records are kept by block.

Current Uses: The property is managed for timber. There is a camp located on the property that has been used for several summers by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to house personnel involved in the Black Bear Project. A trapping and tagging program for bear is ongoing.

Potential Uses: The Worthen Woodland is available for uses in line with the objectives of the University Forests with the primary emphasis on timber management for support of the Worthen Scholarships.
