Witter Farm

Old Town, 1 mile from campus

220 acres (40 Forested)

Owner: University of Maine

History: The Witter farm was part of the original Demeritt Forest and is now under the control of the Witter farm superintendent.  The University Forest Office manages the woodlands (about 40 acres) under a cooperative agreement with the farm superintendent.

Current Uses: Witter Farm serves as an educational farm to teach students about dairy and equine sciences. The farm superintendent hopes to manage forested land on the property for the production of forest products. The Old Town Elementary School is developing an outdoor classroom along the bike path on a corner of the property.

Potential Uses: Additional uses would need the approval of the farm superintendent as well as the forest manager. Potential uses are similar to the Demeritt Forest; the forest land contains some pine stands growing on shallow ledgey sites that present some different conditions than much of the rest of the surrounding area.
