School of Forest Resources Diversity Statement

The School of Forest Resources is committed to pursuing and supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion across our student, staff, and faculty body. We recognize a history of and continued racial, ethnic, and gender exclusion in and outside of our community and we accept that it is our responsibility to challenge the inequities resulting from this exclusion. We know that diversity, equity, and inclusion are sources of strength that builds togetherness and enables success for all people in our community by improving working and learning environments, scholarship, and mentoring relationships. We embrace the myriad forms of diversity, including differences in ability, race, age, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, social or economic status, religious beliefs, geographical origin, and citizenship status in everything we do.

Read the University of Maine Land Acknowledgement

Read the Society of American Foresters Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Strategic Plan

SFR faculty have adopted three high-level strategies to promote equity, inclusion, and growth of a diverse and socially responsive academic unit:

  1. Develop cultural competence within students, faculty, and staff. Student development will embrace cultural competence, equity, and inclusion as distinct aspects of professionalism by leveraging opportunities already embedded in undergraduate and graduate programs. Faculty and staff development will target the growth of awareness, knowledge, and skills related to cultural competence, equity, and inclusion, with emphasis on teaching practices and classroom dynamics.
  2. Improve pathways for student participation, academic achievement, and professional growth. Pathways to academic and professional success begin with recruitment and will be expanded and enriched to better support students from a greater diversity of backgrounds. These pathways will build upon a strong foundation of existing undergraduate and graduate student support.
  3. Establish and support education, research, and service programs that promote equity, inclusion, and diversity. SFR will build strong connections with University programs and groups to pursue mutually beneficial and synergistic activities that advance University-wide equity and diversity objectives while maintaining and further cultivating a strong sense of identity and community within the unit. Programs within SFR will be responsive to student needs, faculty feedback, and the interests of stakeholders and partner organizations.

History and Highlights supporting Strategic Plan

2022 – 2023

  • Formed the Nutting Hall Community of Practice
  • Conducted series of DEI-focused Faculty/Staff training sessions, led by Anila Karunakar (Director of the UMO Multicultural Center)


  • Finalized Departmental DEI Statement after conducting several open meetings with SFR faculty, staff, and students 


  • Implementation of comprehensive outreach and recruitment plan targeting underrepresented groups


  • First annual diversity climate survey
  • Adoption of undergraduate learning objectives and program outcomes


  • Established the SFR Multicultural Coordinator position
  • Formed the Experiential Learning for Multicultural Students (ELMS) Program in partnership with the USDA Forest Service. ELMS provides paid opportunities to engage in research, teaching, or service projects that build skills and mentoring relationships.
  • Revised the Professional Guidelines and Expectations for SFR Students and the criteria for award of an SFR Certificate of Professionalism to reflect a commitment to fostering equity, inclusion, and diversity within SFR programs and professions.


  • Co-hosted the Visiting Libra Diversity Professor Dr. Caroline Brackette with UMaine Native American Programs. Dr. Brackette’s work included cultural competence training for faculty/staff and evaluation of institutional support for multicultural students.


  • Formed a faculty committee to develop strategies and activities to promote recruitment, retention, and career transitions of multicultural students in forestry and related natural resource fields.
  • Formed Supporting Women in Forestry Today (SWIFT), a group of women and allies in SFR committed to practical, positive, and solutions-focused approaches to the empowerment of women in forestry.
  • Participated in the Wabanaki Youth in Science (WaYS) Program, a STEM education and retention program integrating cultural and natural resource studies, led by UMaine Native American Programs.


Upcoming Events


  • January 30 – January 2024 meeting of the Nutting Hall DEI Community of Practice
    • Discussion of “What is needed, what is valued: Trans Students Perspectives in Trans-Inclusive Policies and Practices in Higher Education” by Goldberg, Beemyn & Smith (2018)

Recent Events


  • December 8 – December 2023 meeting of the Nutting Hall DEI Community of Practice
  • Discussion of “Diversity by design: Broadening participation through inclusive teaching” by Goering, Resnick, Bradford, and Othus-Gault (2022)October 18 – DEI Concepts in Conservation and Ecology
    •  Presentation by Rachel Hailey from DEI outdoors
  • March 24 – Microagressions and Response Language
    • Faculty/Staff training led by Anila Karunakar from UM Multicultural Center
  • February 24 – Implicit Bias and Microagressions
    • Faculty/Staff training led by Anila Karunakar from UM Multicultural Center
  • February 10 – Intro to DEI and Salience
    • Faculty/Staff training led by Anila Karunakar from UM Multicultural Center 

Working Groups

SFR Faculty DEl Committee Members

SFR Graduate Student DEI Committee Members

  • President: Lucy Martin
  • Vice President: Colby Bosley-Smith
  • Treasurer: Allie Foster
  • Secretary: Gab Venne