Student Resources




Maine Educational Opportunity Tax Credit

If you have earned a B.S. in Forestry at the University of Maine and are currently working in Maine, you can apply for the Maine Educational Opportunity Tax Credit as a person who has received a STEM degree (STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Math).  However, at this time, you will also need to submit a letter of support.  Below is a link to a letter that you can print in support of receiving the tax credit for a STEM degree.

Letter in Support for designating Forestry as a STEM program

Letter in support of designating Forest Operations, Bioproducts and Bioenergy as a STEM program

The Live and Work in Maine website is most helpful in explaining the tax break:

Safety Information and Training

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Advance Work Credit Towards a Maine Forester’s License

If you want to get a Forester’s License in Maine, you can get work credit towards qualifying for a license while still a Forestry student by doing the following:

  1. Work under the supervision of a licensed forester.
  2. You and the supervising forester must register with the Board of Licensure of Foresters before your work begins. Download a registration form.
  3. Only work that occurs within 12 months of graduation will be counted.