Jay Wason – Lab members
Current members

Laura Pinover
MS student
Impacts of extreme climate events on tree regeneration in the Northern Forest

Emily MacDonald
MS student
Climate change impacts on germination, establishment, growth, and survival of trees

Megan Grega
MS student
Climate change risks to spruce-fir forests trees

Brigid Mrenna
Undergraduate honors thesis student
How drought tolerance traits relate to tree growth and survival in the Northeastern US

Paige Cormier
Undergraduate honors thesis student
Tree Sapling Physiology, Growth, and Mortality in Response to Climate Change in New England
Lab alumni
Peter Breigenzer (co-advised with Jessica Leahy)
M.S. Forest Resources 2023: Forest management in a changing climate: integrating social and biophysical sciences to inform adaptive responses to future uncertainty
Alexandra Barry
M.S. Forest Resources 2023: Climate interactions drive tree physiology and growth in a northeastern forest ecotone
Katie Schulz (co-advised with Laura Kenefic)
M.S. Forest Resources 2022: Northern white-cedar stand structure, composition, and ecophysiology: Implications for management and climate change resilience
Kelly French
M.S. Forest Resources 2021: Climate change and forest management impacts on tree growth and physiology
Ruth van Kampen
M.S. Forest Resources 2021: Tree responses to moderate and extreme drought in the northeastern United States
Elizabeth Bein
Undergraduate student
Project: Response of photosynthesis and tree growth to extreme heat
Ethan Aubuchon
NSF REU student
Project: The compounding effects of heat and drought on physiology of red oak, paper birch, and red spruce
Carolyn Ziegra
Undergraduate student
Project: The effect of microtopography, soil moisture, and canopy openness on survival of northern white-cedar regeneration
Maddie Eberly
Undergraduate student
Project: Feedbacks between wood structure and function driving forest tree responses to extreme drought
Aashish Dhungana
Undergraduate student
Project: Regeneration modes of Thuja occidentalis